As a fourth generation Coloradoan, born and raised on a cattle ranch near Kremmling,
and a practicing water lawyer for over 30 years, Dave has gained a deep appreciation of
knowing where our food comes from, and the importance of the water and human
resources needed to produce healthy and nourishing food.
Just as important is the sharing of a meal and conversation with ones’ neighbors. Cesar
Chavez said, “if you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with
him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.” Break Bread’s mission
is like that – building meaningful relationships with our neighbors while sharing a meal.
Dave has been volunteering with Break Bread for four years. He especially enjoys being
a table host and getting to know a wide variety of people that make up the Littleton
community and listening to their stories. Dave joined the Board in 2022 and is excited
for Break Bread’s growth and role in breaking down barriers in breaking bread together.
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